California Ag News Weed Meeting in Monterey

California Weed Science Society
Meeting in Monterey
Weed Meeting Attendees Gather at Evening Reception this evening

By Patrick Cavanaugh, Editor

TODAY, Nearly 575 weed control professionals, many in the production agricultural industry are attending the 66th Annual Conference of the California Weed Science Society (CWSS) in Monterey.

The popular event’s theme is Meeting the Challenge for a Hungry World: Weed Management Strategies in the coming Decade.

Steve Fennimore, UC Extension Weed Specialist is the outgoing president of the CWSS. “We have many limiting resources in the world and obviously water is a huge limiting resource in California to say the least. And a large part of the meeting is devoted to a limiting control of herbicides due to resistance," Fennimore said.

Speakers came far and wide including Clarence Swanton, University of Guelph, Ontario Canada;  Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia, and David Shaw, Mississippi State University.

David Shaw is one of the leaders in the U.S. on various tasks forces to develop strategies in dealing with weeds resistant to herbicides. “The southeastern U.S. has been adversely impacted by herbicide-resistant weeds, especially Palmer Amaranth.

The weed Palmer Amaranth is in California however no resistance has yet to be seen. “We want learn what we can to prevent resistance,” said Fennimore. “There are weed control systems that we can apply to our crops to help.”

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